VAT Exchange Limited offers VAT consulting services to businesses, accountants and other professional advisors who require specialist VAT advice. With over 30 years’ experience, we can help you with any VAT issue, whatever the size of the business or the type of business. We provide services to clients throughout the UK and overseas.

We can provide a whole range of specialist VAT consultancy services, from everyday issues to major transactions to special reviews. And we are happy to work with you in different ways, including on a long term consultancy basis or on one-off issues as required.

And we’re pleased to offer a new low cost service for accountants

Routine VAT issues

We can help deal with all types of day to day business issues to help minimize VAT costs and avoid unnecessary hassle, including the following:

  • Assisting businesses to appeal against HMRC VAT assessments and dealing with HMRC queries/correspondence.
  • Advising on the VAT implications of new business ventures.
  • Advising on property transactions and VAT law which is extremely complex and a minefield for even the best accountants. Property businesses have extremely complex VAT profiles with different rules for commercial and non-commercial property and special anti-avoidance legislation.
  • VAT Training.

Specialist review services

This is where we can add real value to your business, by ensuring that your VAT affairs are being managed in the most cost efficient ways to generate real savings. These are just some of the specialist services we can provide.

  • Is your partial exemption method the best one for your business? We can carry out a VAT partial exemption review to see if your current method is costing you too much money.
  • VAT liability reviews for businesses with complex liability issues, including retailers and construction businesses. Make sure that you aren’t paying VAT on any sales that qualify for zero-rating or exemption.
  • VAT costs review. We make sure that you aren’t paying too much VAT on purchases and expenses. This is particularly helpful for businesses who are partly exempt or in the non-business sector, such as charities or other not for profit organizations who cannot recover VAT on their costs. But even large fully taxable businesses can benefit by reducing their VAT cashflow.
  • Option to tax review. Do you have a significant property portfolio? Many VAT assessments arise because of the failure to have in place the correct documentation to deal with option to tax issues or because of misunderstanding the rules. We can help by carrying out a systematic review of your option to tax issues and work with you to put in place procedures to ensure that future errors do not arise.

We work with you to ensure that we understand your business and help us find the best solutions to deal with your VAT issues.

Our services are normally charged at hourly or daily rates depending on the type of project concerned. We agree fees up front and work with you to keep costs to a minimum.

If you would like to discuss your needs, please send us your contact details to and some brief details of your VAT requirements.